Animal Toile's was developed during Ellie’s Research and Development module in her Final Year. The collection consists of
Toile de Joy prints that house hidden environmental issues. This in turn works as a metaphor for the issues consumers unwittingly contribute to.
Orangutans spend the first ten years of their lives with their mothers where they are taught what fruits to eat. This training is imperative to ensure that Orangutans complete their role of dispersing seeds throughout the rainforest. If this does not happen the future of generations of trees found in the rainforest would be at risk. Diversity is the key to a healthy rainforest. Human intervention in the rainforest is catastrophic, the rainforest in Borneo is being cut down to be turned into a monoculture of oil palm. The regimented rows of the plantations and the lack of diversity have created a habitat that does not protect the Orangutans.
The print designs in this mini-collection tell the story in the form of a Toile de Jouy as well as leaf prints that symbolise the falling leaves that act as a metaphor for the destruction of the rainforest.
Hundreds of Lesser Flamingos fly to a salt plain in Africa, after the rain has drenched it to breed. This is the perfect conditions for breeding however, due to the irregularity of the rain these conditions might only occur once in a decade. Once, they have arrived the flamingos build mounds of mud to raise their eggs to protect them. Also, the water surrounding them is so salty predators do not venture into it. Thirty days later the eggs hatch.
There is no shelter from the burning sun and the irregular rainfall caused the water to dry up. Therefore, the flamingos must move on. The flamingos must walk to safety as the chicks cannot fly. The journey is long and some chicks cannot keep up because the salt from the dried-up water solidifies around their legs.
My print designs in this mini-collection tell the narrative from a Toile de Jouy that depicts the journey to mark-making clouds that symbolise the importance of rain.